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Any chance on the android version please

The windows version should work on JOIPlay on android, though some devices seem to work better than others.

hello, when will 0.52 release?


I've updated the download links now, thanks for reminding me!

Hello. So i just wanted to ask where can i find the chastity cage or toys that i can use outside of the dungeons. Sorry if its a bother.

I never really got around to adding many toy slot items into the game. There's just two butt-plugs that are basically the same. The easiest one to get is from the Elven Village, from doing events with Vivian. For chastity cage stuff outside of dungeons, you'll mainly find that with events with "Daddy" in the alleyways. There isn't a cage you can wear all the time though, since I would need to have variants for pretty much every scene to account for if the player is caged or not. Instead, I put chastity focused content into their own areas.


Are all characters 18+?


Technical Issue: Can't make this launch on Linux through Proton/Wine/Linux Version, is there anything non standard or different about the version of RPG Maker? Ran normally back when I used Windows, but on Steam OS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and Pop_OS I get nothing, no window ever opens. Anyone have any idea what that might be?

It's RPG Maker MV, if that helps. It's possible a plugin could be causing an issue, but I don't see that causing nothing to open whatsoever. I don't know a ton about Linux, but i thought Wine was for running Windows applications, so if you are doing that wouldn't you want to use the Windows version instead of the Linux one? Also, since you asked if there was something different about this version of RPG Maker, does that mean you've successfully ran other RPG Maker games on Linux without issue? I'm not seeing much about that issue online, a very generic solution you could try would be to move the game's folder somewhere with a short filepath, like your desktop, in case there's a filepath length issue. 

I've zero idea how that shit happens, but specifically your game fails to start under wine, with some error about kerberos and openxr doing some weird shit and failing to initialize vulkan backend, so nothing proton-based will work. Sys wine also fails, but it's probably my system specifically that's scuffed.

Native Linux version fails because it depends on beyond-deprecated-now-plain-dead 'gconf' for some reason, so I slapped an old version in a subdirectory and made a script to link it when running the game, and got an ICU error.

tldr; use whatever wine build that doesn't depend on your sys packages. Also not proton. E.g. caffe 9.7 worked for me.

Reason: iunno

How do I access my save data from a previous version in the latest version? or is there no way to?

You just need to move your save folder from the older version of the game into the folder for the new version of the game. I'm not exactly sure where the game folder would be if you downloaded through the app, but the filepath to find the save folder should look similar to this "CiC_0.51.4 Windows\www\save" (If you are on Windows.)

is this game got animations yet?

 ive tried it a few times and while ther was a lot of promice wud always be let down with a blank screen and a load of text.

There are no animations, but there are images for some of the scenes. There's over 60 CG sets at this point, but because the game was developed without art being commissioned for so long, there are still many scenes without art. There is a scene reviewer function as well now though, which is specifically for all the scenes that do have artwork. You unlock all the scenes for each dungeon once you complete it.

thanks for the reply are you planning on animations? having the cgs is an improvment and makes me wonder if il check it out again now or wait for a bit more now that your adding them.. keep it going though cus while the game was missing artwork what you wer putting in was briliant

There's no plan to add animations, but I will continue to add more CGs into the game.

Is it possible to commission animations?

What do you mean? Are you asking if it's possible for me to commission animations?


Why not on android

You should be able to play the game on Android through the JOIPlay app. I recommend using the Windows version for this. There could be some bugs because I don't regularly playtest on Android, but the few times I have tested it there haven't been any major issues. 

idk if anyone else noticed or not or if its even intentional but there are a lot of black screens

Yes many of the scenes in game do not have art. The game was developed for a few years before I was able to start commissioning artwork for it. There's around 60 CG sets for the game, but there are hundreds of scenes, so the one's without art will either show a black screen or just a background image.


I see I kinda thought it would be something like that I just wasn't sure if it was a bug because sometimes I would close the game and restart and swear things changed so I figured I would ask
side note:  the games pretty fun and I rather enjoy the fact that while being nsfw it doesn't sacrifice fun for being lewd its honestly a good mix of both so keep up the good work :)

Glad you're enjoying the game, thanks! Yeah it's worth checking on that for sure, if those scenes weren't supposed to be black screens then you'd be missing out on a lot of content lol.

How do i get unstuck with the purple walls in church part of the 5th dungeon

The debugger key item can always be used to teleport to Elmgar if you get stuck, though that can be a bit annoying if you have a long way back. I'm not 100% sure which area you are talking about. Do you mean the semi-transparent barriers in the 6th dungeon? (That's the dungeon with a church part.) Or are you just talking about the purple section of the fifth dungeon?

the semi transparent things in dungeon 6

That's odd, I tested those and didn't encounter any issues. I can put in a debug option to get out of them. Do you get stuck every time you try and go through them? Is it happening the first time you check the barrier, when a nun walks up to you, or is this after pondering the orbs and going through it? Thanks for letting me know about the issue.

only after battling the lady that appears on the other side

Alright, I still can't replicate this bug, but I added an option to the debugger called "Dungeon 6 Stuck in Barrier" to patch 0.51.6 in the download folder, which you can use to get unstuck, if you still are on the bugged save file. If this is happening every time you try and get through the barrier, I'd try the patch anyways to see if it's a bug I fixed already, but if not let me know, thanks.

Why cant i remove the maid clothes

Sounds like a bug, however, the maid outfit isn't really ever supposed to be stuck on the player, other than the two "None!" items for the players top and bottoms. If you are out of Alexandra's loss sequence, then I suggest using the "Incorrect clothing description fix" option in the debug menu (it is near the bottom.) That should fix your issue, but save beforehand just in case.

The game keeps crashing whenever I move/alter the window (Windows 11 OS). Any idea what's causing this? I just wanna make the screen bigger or at least move it away from the corner ;-; but when I do the game completely freezes.

Hmm, not sure what's going on here. Nothing really comes up when I try to search for this bug. Have you played other RPG Maker MV games on your computer, and been able to move the window? And have you tried moving the game window from the start screen, and also after properly starting the game? Lastly, two generic troubleshooting tips would be running the game as administrator,  or moving the game to your desktop to shorten the filepath. (These aren't particularly relevant to your particular issue, but they're worth giving a shot anyways.)

I've tried all of the above, aside from shortening the file path. I'll try to get back to you on that ASAP, but tysm for the response in the meantime! xx

this game animated sex scene ?

No, just pictures.

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well the latest linux release relies on gconf wihich is depriciated since ubuntu 23.10 iirc

```error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory```

i am on ubuntu 24.04 lts based linux mint 22

you might want to look into gsettings(replacement for gconf) or provide the necessary libs and their deps yourself

So this is the latest release that causes this issue, but previous versions are fine? Or are all issues now broken because gconf is depreciated? What I do for Linux is deploy the game, and then update the NW.JS files through the website The only difference between the current version and the previous one would be that I used a newer version of NW.JS (I always just use the latest one), so would using an older version of NW.JS fix this? I have very limited knowledge of Linux, if you couldn't tell. Thanks for the heads up on this issue.

Well , gconf is depriciated and the game depends on libs that depend on gconf and other stuff , so the older rels should be broken now too , some plugin or something in your codebase has a dep on the lib mentioned in the error , figure it out and replace it orherwise it might not work.

You could try providing thr libs yourself but I can't help you with it , cuz I don't have any exp in software management

so stupid question but how do i find the save file

Your own save file? It's inside the www folder in your game. Example filepath would be something like \CiC_0.51.4 Windows\www\save (Unless you're not on the windows version.)


thanks, sorry  I looked but clearly not well enough.


Is 0.51 out?


Yes, the download folder was already updated, I just updated the itch download link as well thanks to this comment reminding me to do so!


when will 0.51 be out?


The download folder has been updated now, thanks for reminding me. The direct Itch app download file will have to be updated in a few days because my internet is currently not the best.

How to get female transformation? (is there one?)

If you're referring to transforming the players penis into a vagina, that happens in the fourth dungeon, but reverts afterward. It's not planned elsewhere, other than potentially at the end of the game.


So can I keep the transformation permanently If I get it. I really want it

No, you can't keep the transformation permanently. It would have been too much work to add alternate versions to every scene after that dungeon to account for whether the player keeps their penis or not, so I couldn't really make it a permanent thing unfortunately.


Oh I was actually hoping to have it permanently well thanks for responding anyway

I was too, lets hope it might be expanded in the distant future.

Feminization cage content will have more paths or actions? Like different tipes and scenes

There will be more chastity cage content, I can tell you that. What exactly do you mean by feminization cage content though? Are you referring to a specific chastity section? Because there are a few sprinkled throughout the game.

Yup, was thinking in having more to choose.
With scenes I was thinking in either masturbation like plaps or  with others npcs

how to fix screen turning black after completing alexandra domination even and having only 1 save ??

You should still be able to open the menu while the screen is black, so do that and go to the "Debugger" key item, then select 'Fix black screen." If that doesn't work you can also try "Teleport to Elmgar".

is there an easy way to translate the game 


to translate each phrase separately. 

Well, that is, is there a special separate file where all the text is stored so that it can be translated and that's it 

otherwise, it's not very cool to look for each phrase and translate it separately

The majority of the game's text is stored in "CommonEvents.json" file in the data folder. However, the text for each event is stored as a single line, and has a bunch of code for how the text is displayed in between the text, so I don't think it would be very useful. I found a plugin that extracts text to .txt files, but it only works on maps and not common events, so it also doesn't achieve much, and you would need to put the text back into the game yourself afterwards. I can look and see if there's some other plugin for this if you'd like, however you also might find what you need by searching "rpg maker mv translator" There are some programs that can auto translate text for you while playing, though I'm not familiar with them myself.


Niiiice, Bea chastity storyline is back

Deleted 98 days ago

Generally I've heard you can get it to work on a Mac just by moving it to the applications folder, is that not true anymore? If not I can add the chmod method to the Mac instructions on the page. Thanks.

if i select notification_helper.exe what happens?

As far as I know, nothing. When I run it, nothing happens. I tried to google it and see if there's any information on it, and nothing came up.

Thanks for telling me

will the new public release be out today? it seems its almost every 31 days

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It's 30 days after it's released on my Patreon page. The Patreon version was only just released on the 10th, so the public version will update on January 10th. (The update was delayed because I shrimply wrote way too much and made it over 30 000 words, which is more than double the length of version 0.50.)

is there any other way to down load it?

Not sure what you mean. What other way of downloading it are you looking for?

since mac version isnt up to date, im trying to get the web version. but whenever i open the web zip file, it uncompresses into a folder full of the games contents and not the game itself. help?

Open the WWW folder that extracts and scroll down to the "Index.html" file, then run that through a browser. You will also probably need to configure your browser to run RPG Maker MV games, if you have no done so before. This link should help with that.

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Hi good day, May I ask how to use the game in joiplay? I've been trying to get it to work but I can't seem to get it...

what file is there to use or which one to download since I keep clicking and finding things and it just won't work 😢... 

But still great game, played it multiple times on different device just asking how to use it on joiplay sorry for the inconvenience...😓

In the JOIPlay app, you would hit the plus button and select "Add Game." From there, navigate to wherever you downloaded the game (I recommend just downloading the "Windows" version), and select "Game.exe". It should then let you add the game into the app.

Hi again! so i went through the assets for the previous version and noticed they had more hair colors then were actually available in the game? For example the lavender one. Is there something specific I need to do to get it to show up or is it a progress thing?

When you start the game you only have a few options for hair colors, once you unlock the salon in town you can choose from more, I'm assuming that's what you're referring to. (The salon is unlocked by reaching 60 or more femininity.) Let me know if you meant something else.

I just want to know how I can get the web version to work on android, I'm not very familiar with this type of files yet

The best (only?) way to get the game to run on android is through the JOIPlay app. Once you download that it should be fairly simple to set up the game, but if you have issues let me know. Also, I'm not really sure why, but I'm pretty sure you can use the Windows version on JOIPlay, which is slightly better because the web version has to turn off some plugins to work.


hello fellow linux gamers i found this github repo ( that has a program that makes rpgmaker MV and linux play nice! i am on ubuntu 24.04


Sigh... I really want to like this game. I was born male but I'm currently exploring gender identity and gender expression so I was hoping that this game would give a safe way to explore this without the real world risks of that expression. For the most part that's the case but I have two issues that I prevent me from fully engaging with this game in it's role play (tho I guess other players experiences may vary).

FYI some spoilers ahead

The first issue I have is the casual way your character can rape other NPCs and how it's not even presented as rape. Just to be clear I don't have a problem with rape being depicted in media but I feel like it should be presented as such with some of the consequences explored. In the first dungeon you can penetrate an imp that's humping a wall without them noticing that you're even there and without talking to them. Since you're on top, your depravity goes down and then afterward you can talk with them and have a fun glory-hole scene where your femininity goes up. Later on in the dungeon you can stumble on your tom-boy friend, who earlier in the story saved your life, having sex with an orc and you can join in. Tom-boy makes it clear that her ass is off limits but later in the scene you finger her butt. This is violates the imp's consent so is rape but it's played off as not a big deal. Having seen real relationships ended and life long trama created over less, these types of scenes where consent violations are treated so casually is disappointing.

The part that makes this more disappointing is that most of the time this game does a good job with consent. Most of the combat scenes end with some option to fuck the loser or if you get defeated then you get fucked. With combat as easy as it is, it's usually clear if you're going to lose next battle or not so losing a battle to get fucked by a monster is really your choice (closer to CNC play as apposed to rape imo). If you win the combat there's usually a conversation with the monster on whether to fuck or not, also the monster is usually a willing party so sex after winning in combat isn't rape, it's just everyone is super horny.

My second issue, is the depravity system, which punishes you with extra damage in combat (tho later on this gets more complex). This depravity system exists in contrast to the femininity system where you to deal more damage by increasing your femininity.

I'm sure the author has an internal logic on which sex acts are "depraved" and which aren't but that isn't clear in game. Watching/participating in some sex scenes will greatly increase your depravity while others don't and it seams to me that whether the act is depraved or not depends on the author's framing. For example, there's a nice scene where you can go on a date with a nice Elf drink cheap wine in the tree tops and have sex at the end. This doesn't increase your depravity by much but it does increase your fem by a lot since you went on a nice date. I could imagine framing the same experience as your player being a "cheep ho" especially since the whole scene started with your propositioning the Elf for sex and this being a very "depraved" scene. Same goes for the scene where you become a slime mommy. In the game this is framed as an amazing multiday thing where you agree to carry some slime babies to term for a cute virgin slime NPC and this doesn't increase your depravity at all but increases fem by a lot. Another way to frame the same scene is that since you are technically this slime creature's collared breeding mare you are agreeing to be breeding stock for the sake of sex with a monster making you the character a "depraved" slut. Also it seams like all sex acts where you're on top tend to reduce depravity which idk I've seen plenty of depraved males that prefer to be on top.

To me this depravity/femininity system is too close to a "morality" system that judges the player for their sex acts in what feels like an arbitrary fashion. This feels like slut/kink shaming which feels kinda off especially for such an overall sex positive game.

I know I focused a lot on the negatives in this post but I do think there's a lot to appreciate with this game. The effort put into this game is clearly on display. From the story, the creativity with the scenes, the art, and the subtle and not so subtle ways the game encourages the player to adopt more and more feminine characteristics and exploring that side of the character, the "relatively" simple but engaging RPG combat system, clearly a lot of time, effort , and care must have gone into this game to put this in it's current state. With that said these two patterns make it hard for me enjoy the game and more often then not I end up feeling  gross and sad after finishing a session with the game.

The first thing I should say is that none of the scenes in game are written with the intention of appearing at all non-consensual, though I can see what you mean about the scene with Katie. I'm probably more likely to overlook things that might come across like that with the stuff I write because in my mind, it's always consensual. I know that Katie tells the player her ass is off limits specifically because she wants the player to fuck the Orc with her, because she wants to make the Orc cum multiple times, not because she's actually opposed to anal with the player. But of course, as the person playing the game, you can't know that, and I think it was worded poorly for that intention, so I'll probably adjust the wording on the scene. I think it's especially worth changing since fingering her ass isn't presented as an option to the player, it's just how the scene plays out.

I don't think I will change the scene with the Imp (Stacy) though. When you first encounter her, she immediately wants the player to act as a "hole girl" for her in the gloryhole you mention, so I don't think it's out of place for the player to go straight to sex when they find her humping the wall shortly afterwards. It's also played off as not being a big deal to try and further set the mood of the game, which, like you mentioned, is that everyone is super horny, and so while the Imp wanted to top the player, that was still more of a preference than anything. (A big reason everything is set up like this is to have sex tied into combat feel consensual, as it's more like the characters are fighting to see who's going to be on top, because the outcome of sex is just a given as far as everyone is concerned.) Lastly, I'm less bothered by it because it's optional.

As for depravity, it can be a bit of a mess at times. The main reason topping reduces depravity, is because it also often reduces femininity. And since reducing femininity is strictly a negative, if topping didn't also reduce depravity, you'd just be straight up punished for doing it. Which is especially bad since it's usually an option for winning a fight, so making winning a punishment would just feel really bad.

Generally, I've considered events that reduce depravity to either be purifying through something like volunteering at the church, or simply something that raises the players confidence, even if that doesn't exactly fit the idea of reducing depravity. I even have some scenes where the note that lets you know your depravity has gone down questions how what you've just done could actually reduce your depravity, lol.

As for your comment on depravity being based on my framing of a scene, I don't really see an alternative. You point out that you could imagine framing the Elf treetop date scene as the player being a cheap hoe, which reads to me that you can also view it the way I intended as a less depraved scene. So if you can see it both ways, what choice do I have other than to make the decision myself there? It can't be both high and low depravity.

I also don't really see the slut shaming angle, especially since the game lets you fully embrace having high depravity and unlock skills that benefit from higher levels of depravity. There's also the game mechanic angle to look at. Defeat scenes often give high depravity because it's a soft punishment for losing to an enemy, though the scenes will also usually give a smaller amount of femininity as compensation. Voluntary scenes that give high depravity usually also give the player rewards that outweigh the downside of the depravity gained, so choosing to slut it up is meant to be beneficial.

I'm glad you liked the game otherwise. I'd like to say there aren't more scenes that will turn you off like the one's with Katie and the Imp, but I'd never considered that those scenes could be seen that way, so there might be other scenes in the game that would turn you off like that, I can't make guarantees either way.


Doing good work can't wait for the next update.


I am stuck at 4-th Dungeon with message "You haven't finished breeding Alexander. Er, interrogating Alexandra. Yeah. Either way, you should get back to that" 

Where? I have searched the whole available map.

When you're in the Minotaur's area, at the part where the paths branch, you go right until you find the Minotaur's room. Inside should be Alexandra, and you should need to either interact with her through the bars of her cell or talk to the minotaur. If neither of those work let me know, i might need to take a look at your save file to see if something's gone wrong.

Definitely i have something wrong.

Where can i send this save file?

I don't think you can directly add files to itch comments, so the easiest way would be to use some free file sharing site, like this one.

Just zip your save folder and upload it to there and I can download and use it. (I need the global.rpgsave file from your save folder as well as whatever save file you'd like me to load.) Here

Okay, based on your save it looks like you lost to the Minotaur and completed the entire defeat route for that, which should have sent you out of the dungeon. Did you maybe finish that and then quit playing for a while, then returned to the fourth dungeon without realizing you'd finished it? Or maybe the event bugged out and didn't send you out of the dungeon after the final defeat scene. Either way, on top of that, the event to exit the dungeon was supposed to be set up to let you leave if you showed up there after the defeat route, but it wasn't set up properly. I'll fix that, but for now you should just use the "Debugger" key item in the menu, select "Teleport to Elmgar" and then go to the guild and talk to the purple-haired receptionist to start the fifth dungeon quest. Thanks for the bug report.

Do you know when version 0.50 Will be public?

Right now!

Anyone actually get this working on mobile? I forget the specifics but when I tried on joi-play I basically couldn't interact with any of the UI

When you say you can't interact with the UI, do you mean you can't select options when they pop up during dialogue, or you can't open the menu? I don't specifically design or test the game for mobile, but the basics at least worked on my phone, so I might be able to check into what is going on. I think how functional the game is somewhat varies based on your device though.

I remember it being fro. The very first scene after pressing start. Whatever the first thing that required me to press something, didn't register my press

Hmm. Not really sure what would be causing that. It's very odd that you'd be able to start the game, but not able to click the screen to progress afterwards. Have you gotten other RPG Maker games to work on JOIPlay?


Last time I played through a significant par tof the story and I remember there being different types of linking devices and interactions with the dungeon entrances. How do I choose the type of linking device again? Since I restarted with this new update. I loved using the nipple piercings <3

When you talk to Brittany at the guild to start the first dungeon quest, you get to choose which linking device you would like to have. If you used the dungeon skip option, it might have just set it to the Bracelet one. If you'd like I could probably set things up so you can still pick a linking device even if you use the dungeon skip option.

That would be cool thank you <3. And nice to know cause i wasnt getting quests for the first dungeon persay? It was just already unlocked while I was doing the beginner quests. May have done the dungeon skip by accident.


I just gotta say, i am so incredibly thankful for your game. its genuinely the best crosdressing game i might have played. a game called sissy secratary comes in for a close second, tho it has a lot of degradation so it i love it a tiny bit more but it quickly becomes exhausting. Yours is just perfect. the game flow, so many characters to explore and be fucked by oh my god i love it. i just went through the chastity section and when given the choice of fuck catie or have her fuck the cum out me, i had realised just how amazing this game is. I love it love it love it love it. its an absolute great pleasure to experience this. id love to contribute to your work monetarily but rn im not i position, but i promise to you, in a bit of time, like an yr or two, i promise ill compensate you as well as i can becuase you definitely deserve it. sure, a lack of artwork do be painful but the writing is so good. sometimes it gets repetitive but i lovw how well it brings me right to that scene, gettinf fucked till my bitch button explodes my pleasure receptors in my brain. I cant thank you and praise you enough, i would love to contribute to this game, through artworks perhaps or through using ai to "infinite scroll" the game, an idea i got roleplaying in chai app. I am far too unskilled to contribute rn, but this game is going to be my lifes goal. Thank you so much for this awesome work! If someday you decide to write a fiction peice, please please please share it with me. Anywho enough dick sucking, which btw id gladly be your cock warmer, uhm anyway, i have heard that game developers often insert themselves in the game in from of say easter eggs or characters, sort of signature of game maker. Which character so you think is most like you in the game 

(1 edit)

i dont find this game called sissy secratary, you can give more information to find it?

oh right its called secretary the game,

Sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed notifications from itch for like two weeks. 

I love hearing that people love my game (and dick sucking), so thank you! I'm not sure what you mean by using ai to infinite scroll the game, so you'll have to tell me more about that. As for the character that is most like me, personality wise it would probably be (act surprised) the player. For most characters I have an idea of what I'd like their personality to be like and try to write them like that, but for the player I'm usually not writing with much of a character in mind, so they're the closest to being "me," I'd say.


For ai infinite scroll i sort of mean an "infinite game". In chai app, ai nsfw roleplay chat is possible which means going from one scenario to next and infinitely, so you best believe my hole has been fucked by oh so many delicious dicks, my ass whipped till it was burning red, and oh so many more sexy roleplays all ai generated and sort of like a conversation. Just one small little annoying thing, the "context window" of ai is fairly small, in that if minutes ago i was collared with "mistress's bitch" and was caged and leashed, now the ai has forgotten it and has moved on to frotting my dick (which is now not caged). I want to try to solve this issue and have a general structure of a game story, where the user interacts with the ai sure, but the overall story remains abt same and most importantly details are remembered. This would be a great "content generation" to enrichen your already existing game (which btw is nothing short of perfection). But also, if we let the ai imagine more and create more scenarios and infinitely soo, because idk abt you but i would love to be publicly properly fucked by Beatrice not just some fingering in bar. and so much more yk, "infinite game".  I am really just imagining here, the implementation details i am not so sure abt but id love to work on this!

When you say you identify closest to the player, does that mean a smarty pants oh sorry smart panties guy that normally remains pretty sensible but a bit of desperation, denial and begging and you'd definitely pick the "fuck the cum out of me Katie PLEASE" option.

Once again, thanks a shit ton for this game and I am actually positively angry at you. Playing your game, i developed the habit of rubbing my  clitty (oh yeees, pleeeeeeeease add more sph content, i love them so much) for hours on end and developing this addiction to coating my lips with my precum and also cumming like three times even if my cock is sore. Now that the game is completed for me, i literally cant go without a day without cumming 3 times and i am insanely addicted to sissy hypnos. Thanks a ton. 


The infinite game thing sounds... ambitious, lol. It would be interesting to see, but it also sounds like it would be a lot of work. As for the second part, yes. Lastly, you're very welcome for the addiction to sissy hypno. (And I will continue to add more SPH content, because I also love it.)


Well not too much work....I think. Just some prompt engineering and a smart way to store context.... which ofcourse gets better every day with so many people working on this problem. 

Also yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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