The game isn't working on Linux Ubuntu, In both the Linux version, and the Windows version of the game. The windows version's debug log states that :0608/] CreateFile: File not found. (0x2). What's the workaround to this?
I'm not seeing a lot of this error message. About the only thing I could find indicates that it's some sort of damaged file, so maybe redownloading could help? Or it could be some sort of file used to run the game as well, in which case you could try downloading the latest version of nw.js from here, and then copying the contents into the CiC 0.46 Linux folder. Another shot in the dark is to rename the folder to exclude the spaces, because I should really be naming them with underscores instead of spaces. So I'd change it to CiC_0.46_Linux. Here's the link I found with the same error, though the solution might force you to redownload other games as well? Not exactly sure what the solution is recommending you do here, so use that solution with caution I guess.
Otherwise, how exactly is the game not working here. Does it crash on startup, not open at all, crash on starting the game, ect. And the debug log you mention isn't an error report appearing in the game, right? There wasn't an error message like that I'm assuming?
when fighting alexander in the middle of no where dungeon, my character kind just continues the walk cycle and i'm unable to talk to alexander after the fight, or even leave the room.
Hmm, I'm not sure how this could have happened, I can't replicate it on my end. Did you maybe skip through a bunch of the dialogue? That can sometimes cause weird things to happen with movement events, but I'm not getting any myself. Does it happen if you retry the event? I might need to see your save folder to be able to figure out the cause here.
I wish this was on Android too because I would have been playing this a while ago but I'm getting a new computer soon (my old one caught on fire because their repairman didn't put together properly), so hopefully I can play it then.
There shouldn't be any major issues playing on Android with the JOIPlay app. You should be able to download the windows version and then run it through there. I don't specifically design or bug test for mobile but as far as I'm aware it generally works fine on Android.
I just read the changelog for version 0.48.0 and I am curious, will it be an option to completely submit to the succubus as she tempts you? or will it be a cutscene where you get tempted, but have no options as to whether the MC will or will not submit to her. I would be curious what'd happen if you became the slave of the succubus. could be interesting, idk.
You choose whether to submit to her or not, but it doesn't permanently turn you into a slave for her. It certainly may make it harder to resist her in the future though...
So, the error occurs when you stop playing the game, but leave it open? And it occurs when you come back to it? Or is the error occurring when you load the game afterwards? I'm not following your message 100% here.
If the error is after leaving it open for a while and coming back to it, it could be a memory leak in a plugin, so I can check for that. Also is this the windows version of the game? Thanks.
After I've played for some time, closed the game out, shut down the computer, and come back later to load a save file, my character has changed physically to outfits and hair I didn't currently have equipped. I go to the menu, key items, check appearance and the error shows up. And yes it's the Windows version, sorry for any confusion from my previous post.
Hm, that's a very odd bug, especially your outfit and hair changing. And this only happens when you use check appearance? Was your save from an older version of the game? I'm not really sure what could be causing this. Would you be able to upload your save file and the "global.rpgsave" file from your save folder and send it to me so I can fiddle around with it? You could also just send the whole folder.
No, I just discovered/downloaded the most recent version of the game a few days ago. I've tried a couple of other key items when in the menu and the error pops up as well. I also just got this error after going to options and exiting. I can send over the files, I'm just not sure where to send it.
Okay that error message might help actually. It sounds like a permissions issue. The first suggestion is to check if eeither your global.rpgsave file or your actual file is set to read only mode. To check, right click the file, select properties, and then at the bottom to see if "Read-Only" is checked. Alternatively, you could have the game in a restricted folder. You could try moving the game to a different spot on your computer and running it from there. Or potentially right clicking the .exe file and running as administrator could work. Otherwise for sending the save files you can zip your save folder and upload it to a website, then share the link with me here. This website should work for that.
It occurs in the fourth dungeon but reverts back to having a penis afterwards. Needing to account for the players genitals requires a very large amount of extra work for each scene so it's not planned outside of the fourth dungeon and endings for the game.
Which version of the base game did you download from the mega folder? Was it the web version, or the windows version? It's been a while since I tested JOIPlay so I don't remember which of the two worked, so my first suggestion would be to try whatever version you didn't download originally. Otherwise I'll take a look at it tomorrow to see if I can replicate this. I don't develop the game specifically for Android, but I have gotten it to work with JOIPlay without very much trouble.
Hm, I hadn't tested the game on Android for a while, so I tested the latest version to see if it was an error with a new plugin or something, but both the Windows and Web versions ran fine on my android device, so I've got a bunch of questions to ask to see if I can figure out the cause of the issue.
1. When you say the error comes up when you click play, do you mean it comes up when you try and open the game in JOIPlay, or are you able to open to the main menu of the game, and the error appears after you click "new game"?
2. To be more specific, you downloaded different versions of CiC 0.49.6, correct? (That's what I tested with so I wanted to double check just in case.)
3. What Android device are you using?
4. What version of the OS are you running?
5. What are you selecting for the executable file in JOIPlay? (It should be game.exe for the Windows version, or index.html for the web version.
6. Have you run any other RPG Maker MV games on JOIPlay without getting any errors?
The error pops up when i try to open the game in joiplay. Yes i downloaded 0.49.6. Im using tab s7+. My OS is 13. Im not really sure what this means but when i download a game with exe it doesnt even show up to execute in html so i think im doing it right. Yes i was able to play other rpgs in joiplay with no errors .
Alright, it sounds like our devices are about the same age and the same OS version. I suppose it could be the different brand of android device, but there's nothing we can really do about that. I've been trying pretty much everything I can think of to replicate the error, but I can't manage to get any errors when opening the game on my end, which is odd if you've been able to play other RPG Maker MV games with JOIPlay. I also can't really find any similar bugs being reported for JOIPlay to give me an idea on what to try, though the error you are getting implies that the game is trying to read something that doesn't exist, so it could be some sort of read/write issue, maybe? These are mostly shots in the dark here, but a few more things you could try:
What version of JOIPlay do you have downloaded? You can check by hitting the three dots in the top right in the app and clicking about. If yours is very out of date, that could be causing issues. The most recent version should be 1.20.023-patreon.
When you added the game to JOIPlay, did you extract the game from it's zip file first, or did you add the game with "Import Archive File." I believe extracting the game first would be more likely to work.
Does your JOIPlay app have permission to access Music, Audio, Photos, and Videos? It shouldn't even let you run the app if it doesn't, but it's something you could check.
You could also try moving the game folder somewhere else on your phone. I ran mine from the download folder in my internal storage. If you are trying through an SD card it's possible that could cause some issues.
And just to double check on something, when you tried the web version of the game, that one was opened with an index.html file, right? There is no .exe in the web version, so you would have needed to use the .html file to test that one out.
Maybe one of those things will work. Sorry I'm not able to be more helpful here.
Do you have the latest patch installed to the game? (Patch 0.46.11?) There was a bug with that scene before but it should be fixed now. You'll have to download the patch and then reload from before the scene. If that doesn't work let me know.
yeah i was pretty confused on what happened there as well. was there supposed to be a boss fight with alexander there? after untinting there were two alexanders and no fight. both with different conversation options too. one near the crystal top right and one at the entrance. probably broke it then yeah....
Yeah the bug was that the even that actually starts the boss fight didn't run. The first Alexander is for the fight, the second Alexander is for after the fight.
Oh I see, I didn't know it would show that to people following me lol. Was it the Winlu fantasy exterior pack? I will be using that and the interior pack in the next update, yes.
Typically Mac issues (on operating system versions prior to 11 like yours) and a result of permissions issues. The two solutions that typically work are to either move the game folder into your "applications" folder and then run it, or assign read/write permissions to the game folder manually, this link should help. (Be sure to change it to your OS version when you load the page.)
If this doesn't solve the problem let me know and I can see if there's anything else to try.
I've looked into this further, and it looks like unfortunately RPG Maker MV actually stopped working on Mac OS 10.15, not 11 like I previously thought. (There is an official post from RPG Maker that claims 11 is the cut off, but 10.15 is when Mac OS stopped supporting 32 bit programs, which is what I believe the problem is.)
You can most likely run the "Web" version of the game through your browser, though the browser version is not compatible with the plugin that makes your characters appearance change in-game, so you'll be stuck with the default appearance outside of the paperdoll. If you do want to give the web version a try you'll probably need to follow this link to set up your browser to run the game properly.
Sorry about the inconvenience there, I had not realized there were issues with OS 10.15. I've updated the page on that now.
Okay, question - how do I get "daddy" route/scenes? I've already finished most of the game, including 5th dungeon, but apparently missed him way earlier? I tried to find an answer in the comment and heard about talking to the guy who's on our way in the alley - but nothing's triggering for me? Same with the advice to buy a chastity device from Beatrice - she only has potions, even though I've seen the scene with the magical cage already. Is there a reset option somewhere to start that sequence, like with the dungeons?
The Daddy scenes should trigger when walking through the alleyway. In particular, it's the two characters here in red, and the scene should trigger sometime when walking through the blue circle. You have to sleep at the bar inbetween scenes, as you can generally only do one per day. If that doesn't fix anything and they still aren't triggering, I'd probably need your save folder to be able to see what's going on, if you could upload that for me.
Yeah, right now nothing is triggering there for me. I vaguely remember that once I got to the alley first time there were some text like "oh, there's a couple there, I should find a way around them" and that's it. Perhaps I had too few of a depravity back then and it's what ruined it? Not sure. I uploaded the save, hope it helps
Low depravity shouldn't be a problem, I'm not sure what the cause is. I'll also need the "global.rpgsave" file in your save folder to be able to open your save. (Which is why I just asked for the entire folder, but I probably should have specified that I needed the global file too.)
Somehow, you avoided triggering the first event with them. (I don't know how this is possible.) The first event was separate from the rest of them, so it basically didn't do anything when you entered the event space because of that. Now it will show the first event, and then when you sleep it will show you the next one, ect. Thanks for reporting that, I still don't know how you can avoid the event in the first place, but at least it's set up now so that doing so won't break the event permanently.
Yes, that must be a glitch. The surrender item isn't consumable, so it is supposed to stay in your inventory after use. There is at least one fight where it is removed because you can't surrender, and is added back after, so that could be how you lost it. (It's with the Goblin and Ogre fights) Either way, I've added "surrender item missing" to the debug menu which you can use to get it back.
Thanks for the update! quick question, is the model that is shown on the screen when walking around supposed to be nude the whole time or is it supposed to show clothes? either way is fine but i just wanted to make sure there wasnt an error either way
If the model you are referring to is the paperdoll on the left side of the screen, it is only nude as doing all the clothes for that would be a tone of work (especially considering different body sizes), if you mean the player sprite that you control, it should have clothes if you are wearing clothes.
yeah i was asking about the Paperdoll. thanks for clarifying! would definitely be nice to have clothes on it eventually, but i completely understand the work involved
I forgot to upload version 0.46 on here, had some personal stuff come up that stopped me from working for a bit, and before that spent a bunch of time working on drawing so I can start adding artwork to the game myself to speed things up there, so all of that together is why it's been so long since there's been an update. I've updated the download folder on here now, but will wait until I finally get 0.47 out to post a devlog. Thanks for the reminder and concern.
I'm running version 0.46 with the latest Patreon patch 0.46.9 and have two issues:
1. If I visit Daisy's farm for her broken milking machine quest, when I complete that and return to town, the screen is black. The only thing visible is the white text (Read Me, Town Locations, Outside Locations, etc.). Nothing I do fixes this, so I can't progress and have to roll back to a previous save. As a result, I've just been avoiding Daisy since there's nothing more I can do with her....
2. Unfortunately, I picked up the glowing white chastity cage from the Goddess statue in the second dungeon (I think it was the 2nd), but it's immersion breaking because no other dialogue in the game makes reference to it, and any sex scene after getting it occurs as if it doesn't exist. Is there a way to get this removed? A similar effect occurs with the sissy cage you get from the alley Dom in that even though it's being worn, it's ignored for any sex scenes that happen while wearing it. Plus, it can be added after, on top of the glowing white cage. So now my poor boi is wearing two cages, at least until the sissy gets it back!
Great game though. I'm enjoying it so much that I joined your Patreon. Looking forward to more content!
I'll try and figure out what is going on with the chastity cage shortly, but in the meantime you should be able to fix the black screen issue with the debug menu. Either "untint screen" or "erase pictures" should do it, as I might have used a black image instead of tinting the screen. Thanks for the bug reports.
The one with the green hands grabbing the players ass? It's from the "hole room" scenes in the first dungeon. You have to talk to stacy and volunteer to work in it. It's random what person decides to come fuck the players ass and mouth while they are in there, but all the versions have art. You can repeat the scene if you don't get the one you want right away.
The game was text based for several years before I started adding art, and I'm still unable to commission art as quickly as I can write it, so even though there are over 30 CG sets for the game many of them still lack art at the moment.
If you're referring to the training with Beatrice, there already is some chastity content there. I also really like chastity stuff so there will probably be more of it. It just kind of has to be in it's own separate area like in the fifth dungeon as otherwise I need to have all of the scenes in the game account for if you are caged or not.
Most of the content in the Elven village is between characters involved in the gangbang, and their scenes reference it a bunch. I looked into making the gangbang optional earlier but it would just be a lot of work to do unfortunately.
That would require all future scenes to have alternate versions depending on if you have a penis or a pussy, which is why I have the transformation only occur inside the dungeon.
The cheat menu is supposed to be a patron only thing, but sometimes I forget to disable it with public releases. You can progress through the main questline using the "Dungeon Skip" portal in the hub area, which lets you set whether you won or lost to certain bosses and Katie's dominance level as well.
I don't know. What about it is confusing for you? You generally just have to click on the skills, and then can either click "learn" or "more info" on them. The skills underneath of numbers, like the Hail skill being under a blue 4, mean that you need 4 points in Ice skills before you can learn them.
Well the first time you open the skill tree it explains how it works. I could add lines to make it look more like a skill tree but that would imply you have to get certain skills in an element to unlock other skills, when all that matters is enough points in an element, so i don't think that really helps.
There's only two items in it, both butt-plugs. I'd planned to add more items in the slot, but I kind of lost interest in it. One can be gained from the Elven Village by experiencing the gangbang scene, and the other is gained from the third date scene with a dominant Katie.
I believe it should be up to date, keeping in mind that it generally only covers content that can be missed, due to having specific prerequisites. Beatrice's first few scenes aren't listed in the walkthrough, for example, because accessing them just requires you to talk to her and ask her for help in feeling like a girl. So if that's what seems to be missing, it's normal. If there's other content missing you can let me know what it is and I can see if it should be added, thanks.
There's a dog park?!The walkthrough doesn't really say much about it can you please say more about it? At what point is that introduced? In the 2nd Dungeons statue room what is that purple whisp thing you can talk to?
The dog park is kind of a mini-location in the fourth dungeon, and is accessed in the "CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY" part of it. The choose your destiny part is a series of connected rooms that branch off into two other rooms each time, so you just pick a path and encounter a series of events. Red rooms have teleporters to one of two locations, one of which being the dog park. The second red room will take you there. Inside there are two events, one with Mint and Chocolate, in which Chocolate asks if you want to fuck Mint, who is in a bitchsuit. The other is a fight with a wolf girl (who has a penis), which results in "mating time" if you lose. Losing to Katie in the choose your destiny section of the dungeon can also take you to the dog park, with her putting you into a bitchsuit before taking you for a walk. (There's two scenes for losing to her, so if you don't get the bitchsuit scene the first time you just need to lose again.)
As for the whisp thing, what she tells you in game is all the explanation you get for now.
Thank you for replying even during the holidays! (^.^) The dog park being part of the dungeon would explain why it was inbetween one of the dungeon paragraphs, my bad, thank you for going into such detail about it though :D All I know about that whisp thing is that if you take the boon from the statue the whisp thing gets annoyed at your choice. I don't think I really want to go down the "Depravity" skill tree path but if it has a new character that requires you to go down the depraved route. Hmm
I noticed when checking the walkthrough that it's not super clear that the dog park was part of that dungeon, so I'll add an extra note for it. Also, your decision in the second dungeon won't effect any future scenes or characters, but your decision with the next Goddess statue does have some impact on future scenes with those statues.
The alleys seem... very badly broken at the moment, or else something is messed up with my installation. The walls aren't solid until you navigate around the pair -- just the blackness -- and the scene you're supposed to get the first time you approach them didn't trigger for me until I tried going through a second time. (And trying a third time, after sleeping, the pair are still there and I got groped by one of the guys again... though maybe that's 'cause I didn't do anything with Ami?)
EDIT: Also something feels like it's up with Mia and Ami. Their names are anagrams, they run perverted and innocent versions of the exact same business, and their facial features and eye colors are similar enough they could pass for twins. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but if it turned out they were actually twins, or that Ami was Mia while under the effects of some kind of curse, I would be... extremely unsurprised. EDIT 2: Geez, I hope if I called it, you're not the kind of writer who feels like they have to change plans or twists if someone guesses them in advance.
EDIT 3: ... What is the Sheer Skirt/Blue Detached Sleeve Blouse outfit a reference to? At first I thought Mima, but not only does it not quite line up with her outfit, that's a heck of a deep cut for a random outfit in the game.
EDIT 4: Well, second guess was a dud. The God of Wind reference made me think of Annet Myer and El Viento, but it's an even worse match for that one.
EDIT 5: ... Wait, even as a blind guess, why the heck did I consider Arle Nadja?
I think I've figured out the cause of the alleyway wall issue. There's actually two maps for the alleyway, one that is just for the intro, and the main alleyway area. The intro, for some reason, didn't have this sort of dirt/smudge effect overtop of it, so I recently corrected that. However, when I put that effect on a tile, it makes it so you can walk through it, so I needed to indicate that you cannot walk through all of the alleyways walls. That's why it works after you get around the pair, because then it puts you on the regular alleyway map. I've uploaded a fix for the collision issue. My best guess for not seeing the first event with the pair is that you avoided the trigger for the event by going on the walls, because as far as I can tell it is functioning at the moment. Patch 0.45.7 should fix this.
As for Mia and Ami, your guess is correct, they are sisters. I plan to have more content for them which would eventually lead to that, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. I won't be changing it just because you figured it out though lol, part of the point of having all the hints linking the two is so people can figure out that they are related somehow to begin with.
Lastly, the sheer skirt/blue detached sleeve blouse outfit is Aqua's outfit from Konosuba. I used to have a custom outfit tier on Patreon where a patron could request certain clothes to be added to the game, and it's one of those.
Thanks for the bug report, and I'm happy to know someone noticed all the similarities between Ami and Mia, so thanks for sharing your theory on that as well!
You should be able to play the game on Android through the JOIPlay app. It might work with the windows version, but otherwise I would try the web version. The game isn't designed with Android in mind, so there still may be some issues.
The skill tree is entirely operated by the mouse, so on JOIPlay I'd expect it to work normally, since touch controls replace the mouse. What exactly is the issue with it? I haven't developed anything with Android in mind, so I expect it would be very difficult to have a dedicated Android version. (I expect many compatibility issues with plugins as well there.) I can always take a look at certain bugfixes and the like though.
Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification of your comment. Are you unable to talk to her directly over the counter at the guild? I thought I had fixed the bug with that quest, but if you can't talk to her and Brittany isn't missing then something has gone wrong. Let me know if that's the case and I'll add a debug option to try and fix things. Thanks for the report.
Many of the scenes lack art at the moment, as the game was developed as a text game for several years before I started adding art, and because I still tend to write more scenes faster than I can commission more art. I hope to start adding art at a faster rate soon though.
Many of the scenes lack art at the moment, as the game was developed as a text game for several years before I started adding art, and because I still tend to write more scenes faster than I can commission more art. I hope to start adding art at a faster rate soon though.
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Yay! New update!! Been checking if it was here everyday for some time now lol!
The game isn't working on Linux Ubuntu, In both the Linux version, and the Windows version of the game. The windows version's debug log states that :0608/] CreateFile: File not found. (0x2). What's the workaround to this?
I'm not seeing a lot of this error message. About the only thing I could find indicates that it's some sort of damaged file, so maybe redownloading could help? Or it could be some sort of file used to run the game as well, in which case you could try downloading the latest version of nw.js from here, and then copying the contents into the CiC 0.46 Linux folder. Another shot in the dark is to rename the folder to exclude the spaces, because I should really be naming them with underscores instead of spaces. So I'd change it to CiC_0.46_Linux. Here's the link I found with the same error, though the solution might force you to redownload other games as well? Not exactly sure what the solution is recommending you do here, so use that solution with caution I guess.
Otherwise, how exactly is the game not working here. Does it crash on startup, not open at all, crash on starting the game, ect. And the debug log you mention isn't an error report appearing in the game, right? There wasn't an error message like that I'm assuming?
The NWJS suggestion worked! Thank you
when fighting alexander in the middle of no where dungeon, my character kind just continues the walk cycle and i'm unable to talk to alexander after the fight, or even leave the room.
Hmm, I'm not sure how this could have happened, I can't replicate it on my end. Did you maybe skip through a bunch of the dialogue? That can sometimes cause weird things to happen with movement events, but I'm not getting any myself. Does it happen if you retry the event? I might need to see your save folder to be able to figure out the cause here.
I wish this was on Android too because I would have been playing this a while ago but I'm getting a new computer soon (my old one caught on fire because their repairman didn't put together properly), so hopefully I can play it then.
There shouldn't be any major issues playing on Android with the JOIPlay app. You should be able to download the windows version and then run it through there. I don't specifically design or bug test for mobile but as far as I'm aware it generally works fine on Android.
I just read the changelog for version 0.48.0 and I am curious, will it be an option to completely submit to the succubus as she tempts you? or will it be a cutscene where you get tempted, but have no options as to whether the MC will or will not submit to her. I would be curious what'd happen if you became the slave of the succubus. could be interesting, idk.
You choose whether to submit to her or not, but it doesn't permanently turn you into a slave for her. It certainly may make it harder to resist her in the future though...
It's probably something I'm doing wrong, but I'll get this message after I stop playing for a while and close out the game before I come back to it.
So, the error occurs when you stop playing the game, but leave it open? And it occurs when you come back to it? Or is the error occurring when you load the game afterwards? I'm not following your message 100% here.
If the error is after leaving it open for a while and coming back to it, it could be a memory leak in a plugin, so I can check for that. Also is this the windows version of the game? Thanks.
After I've played for some time, closed the game out, shut down the computer, and come back later to load a save file, my character has changed physically to outfits and hair I didn't currently have equipped. I go to the menu, key items, check appearance and the error shows up. And yes it's the Windows version, sorry for any confusion from my previous post.
Hm, that's a very odd bug, especially your outfit and hair changing. And this only happens when you use check appearance? Was your save from an older version of the game? I'm not really sure what could be causing this. Would you be able to upload your save file and the "global.rpgsave" file from your save folder and send it to me so I can fiddle around with it? You could also just send the whole folder.
No, I just discovered/downloaded the most recent version of the game a few days ago. I've tried a couple of other key items when in the menu and the error pops up as well. I also just got this error after going to options and exiting. I can send over the files, I'm just not sure where to send it.
Okay that error message might help actually. It sounds like a permissions issue. The first suggestion is to check if eeither your global.rpgsave file or your actual file is set to read only mode. To check, right click the file, select properties, and then at the bottom to see if "Read-Only" is checked. Alternatively, you could have the game in a restricted folder. You could try moving the game to a different spot on your computer and running it from there. Or potentially right clicking the .exe file and running as administrator could work. Otherwise for sending the save files you can zip your save folder and upload it to a website, then share the link with me here. This website should work for that.
Is it possible to go full feminine, like getting a vagina?
I like the art and sex scenes, but I'm not huge on the whole 'playing as a boy' thing
It occurs in the fourth dungeon but reverts back to having a penis afterwards. Needing to account for the players genitals requires a very large amount of extra work for each scene so it's not planned outside of the fourth dungeon and endings for the game.
I hope it's planned for some point in development, even if it's fairly late
how do i wear/change clothes ingame?
You just need to open the menu and go to "equip" to find whatever clothing you'd like to put on. The menu can be opened with "X" or right click.
Does anyone know how to play this game on Android (joiplay) Ive tried but when I click to play it leave me on this
Which version of the base game did you download from the mega folder? Was it the web version, or the windows version? It's been a while since I tested JOIPlay so I don't remember which of the two worked, so my first suggestion would be to try whatever version you didn't download originally. Otherwise I'll take a look at it tomorrow to see if I can replicate this. I don't develop the game specifically for Android, but I have gotten it to work with JOIPlay without very much trouble.
Thank you so much!! I believe I downloaded the Mac one from the mega folder I'll try the other ones rn
So I tried all of the downloads and all of them did the same thing
Hm, I hadn't tested the game on Android for a while, so I tested the latest version to see if it was an error with a new plugin or something, but both the Windows and Web versions ran fine on my android device, so I've got a bunch of questions to ask to see if I can figure out the cause of the issue.
1. When you say the error comes up when you click play, do you mean it comes up when you try and open the game in JOIPlay, or are you able to open to the main menu of the game, and the error appears after you click "new game"?
2. To be more specific, you downloaded different versions of CiC 0.49.6, correct? (That's what I tested with so I wanted to double check just in case.)
3. What Android device are you using?
4. What version of the OS are you running?
5. What are you selecting for the executable file in JOIPlay? (It should be game.exe for the Windows version, or index.html for the web version.
6. Have you run any other RPG Maker MV games on JOIPlay without getting any errors?
The error pops up when i try to open the game in joiplay. Yes i downloaded 0.49.6. Im using tab s7+. My OS is 13. Im not really sure what this means but when i download a game with exe it doesnt even show up to execute in html so i think im doing it right. Yes i was able to play other rpgs in joiplay with no errors .
Alright, it sounds like our devices are about the same age and the same OS version. I suppose it could be the different brand of android device, but there's nothing we can really do about that. I've been trying pretty much everything I can think of to replicate the error, but I can't manage to get any errors when opening the game on my end, which is odd if you've been able to play other RPG Maker MV games with JOIPlay. I also can't really find any similar bugs being reported for JOIPlay to give me an idea on what to try, though the error you are getting implies that the game is trying to read something that doesn't exist, so it could be some sort of read/write issue, maybe? These are mostly shots in the dark here, but a few more things you could try:
What version of JOIPlay do you have downloaded? You can check by hitting the three dots in the top right in the app and clicking about. If yours is very out of date, that could be causing issues. The most recent version should be 1.20.023-patreon.
Maybe one of those things will work. Sorry I'm not able to be more helpful here.
Is there a way to go fullscreen?
press f4. its the button to go full screen for most games made on this platform.
thanks I forgot that,I was trying to use f11
No problem mate! Happy to help. Didn't know it myself until I learnt it from somewhere randomly lmao!
this game is fucking gorgeous. author, I love you. there's SO much content I am really amazed
that hypno route in the second dungeon😭😭I came my brains out of me
thank you for this piece of art
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're loving the game!
I'm playing on android using Joiplay and my screen went black after entering the room with Alexander playing the piano
Do you have the latest patch installed to the game? (Patch 0.46.11?) There was a bug with that scene before but it should be fixed now. You'll have to download the patch and then reload from before the scene. If that doesn't work let me know.
ahh yeah i had that bug too. i remembered you saying something about untinting the screen using debug and it worked.
That will also probably work but I believe they are probably stuck in the room as well in this case.
yeah i was pretty confused on what happened there as well. was there supposed to be a boss fight with alexander there? after untinting there were two alexanders and no fight. both with different conversation options too. one near the crystal top right and one at the entrance. probably broke it then yeah....
Yeah the bug was that the even that actually starts the boss fight didn't run. The first Alexander is for the fight, the second Alexander is for after the fight.
Loving the game so far. There's so much content and the description on each scene is amazing.
Thanks! Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
New big update comming with the assets pack? 👀👀
There is a large update coming, what do you mean by the assets pack though?
I guess its because I have the follow option on, but got on my feed that you rated an assets pack
Oh I see, I didn't know it would show that to people following me lol. Was it the Winlu fantasy exterior pack? I will be using that and the interior pack in the next update, yes.
Yep, Winlu Fantasy tileset
my Mac is version 10.15 but the game doesn't work still like it runs and all but a window does not appear
Typically Mac issues (on operating system versions prior to 11 like yours) and a result of permissions issues. The two solutions that typically work are to either move the game folder into your "applications" folder and then run it, or assign read/write permissions to the game folder manually, this link should help. (Be sure to change it to your OS version when you load the page.)
If this doesn't solve the problem let me know and I can see if there's anything else to try.
thank you for helping me but the game still doesn't open and instead now displays that the game quits unexpectedly
I've looked into this further, and it looks like unfortunately RPG Maker MV actually stopped working on Mac OS 10.15, not 11 like I previously thought. (There is an official post from RPG Maker that claims 11 is the cut off, but 10.15 is when Mac OS stopped supporting 32 bit programs, which is what I believe the problem is.)
You can most likely run the "Web" version of the game through your browser, though the browser version is not compatible with the plugin that makes your characters appearance change in-game, so you'll be stuck with the default appearance outside of the paperdoll. If you do want to give the web version a try you'll probably need to follow this link to set up your browser to run the game properly.
Sorry about the inconvenience there, I had not realized there were issues with OS 10.15. I've updated the page on that now.
all good thank you for your time and thanks for helping me
Okay, question - how do I get "daddy" route/scenes? I've already finished most of the game, including 5th dungeon, but apparently missed him way earlier? I tried to find an answer in the comment and heard about talking to the guy who's on our way in the alley - but nothing's triggering for me? Same with the advice to buy a chastity device from Beatrice - she only has potions, even though I've seen the scene with the magical cage already. Is there a reset option somewhere to start that sequence, like with the dungeons?
The Daddy scenes should trigger when walking through the alleyway. In particular, it's the two characters here in red, and the scene should trigger sometime when walking through the blue circle. You have to sleep at the bar inbetween scenes, as you can generally only do one per day. If that doesn't fix anything and they still aren't triggering, I'd probably need your save folder to be able to see what's going on, if you could upload that for me.
Yeah, right now nothing is triggering there for me. I vaguely remember that once I got to the alley first time there were some text like "oh, there's a couple there, I should find a way around them" and that's it. Perhaps I had too few of a depravity back then and it's what ruined it? Not sure. I uploaded the save, hope it helps
Low depravity shouldn't be a problem, I'm not sure what the cause is. I'll also need the "global.rpgsave" file in your save folder to be able to open your save. (Which is why I just asked for the entire folder, but I probably should have specified that I needed the global file too.)
Oh, my bad, I missed the part saying "folder" and just took the latest save, here's the entire folder
Alright, this patch should fix the issue. You will need to sleep at the bar first to reset the variable that limits their events to once per day first though.
Somehow, you avoided triggering the first event with them. (I don't know how this is possible.) The first event was separate from the rest of them, so it basically didn't do anything when you entered the event space because of that. Now it will show the first event, and then when you sleep it will show you the next one, ect. Thanks for reporting that, I still don't know how you can avoid the event in the first place, but at least it's set up now so that doing so won't break the event permanently.
my surrender item is gone after i used it once, is it a glitch?
also how do i unlock the salon again?
And the salon is unlocked when you return to Elmgar with 60 or more femininity.
Yes, that must be a glitch. The surrender item isn't consumable, so it is supposed to stay in your inventory after use. There is at least one fight where it is removed because you can't surrender, and is added back after, so that could be how you lost it. (It's with the Goblin and Ogre fights) Either way, I've added "surrender item missing" to the debug menu which you can use to get it back.
Thanks for the update! quick question, is the model that is shown on the screen when walking around supposed to be nude the whole time or is it supposed to show clothes? either way is fine but i just wanted to make sure there wasnt an error either way
If the model you are referring to is the paperdoll on the left side of the screen, it is only nude as doing all the clothes for that would be a tone of work (especially considering different body sizes), if you mean the player sprite that you control, it should have clothes if you are wearing clothes.
yeah i was asking about the Paperdoll. thanks for clarifying! would definitely be nice to have clothes on it eventually, but i completely understand the work involved
yo! you don't usually take this much time between updates. you doing okay over there mate?
I forgot to upload version 0.46 on here, had some personal stuff come up that stopped me from working for a bit, and before that spent a bunch of time working on drawing so I can start adding artwork to the game myself to speed things up there, so all of that together is why it's been so long since there's been an update. I've updated the download folder on here now, but will wait until I finally get 0.47 out to post a devlog. Thanks for the reminder and concern.
oh nice! thanks man. glad you're doing well. looking forward to the new art. you do good work.
I ain't even gonna ask for a mobile version at this point 😭
You can probably play on android with the JOIPlay app, which is made to run RPG Maker MV games.
I'm running version 0.46 with the latest Patreon patch 0.46.9 and have two issues:
1. If I visit Daisy's farm for her broken milking machine quest, when I complete that and return to town, the screen is black. The only thing visible is the white text (Read Me, Town Locations, Outside Locations, etc.). Nothing I do fixes this, so I can't progress and have to roll back to a previous save. As a result, I've just been avoiding Daisy since there's nothing more I can do with her....
2. Unfortunately, I picked up the glowing white chastity cage from the Goddess statue in the second dungeon (I think it was the 2nd), but it's immersion breaking because no other dialogue in the game makes reference to it, and any sex scene after getting it occurs as if it doesn't exist. Is there a way to get this removed? A similar effect occurs with the sissy cage you get from the alley Dom in that even though it's being worn, it's ignored for any sex scenes that happen while wearing it. Plus, it can be added after, on top of the glowing white cage. So now my poor boi is wearing two cages, at least until the sissy gets it back!
Great game though. I'm enjoying it so much that I joined your Patreon. Looking forward to more content!
I'll try and figure out what is going on with the chastity cage shortly, but in the meantime you should be able to fix the black screen issue with the debug menu. Either "untint screen" or "erase pictures" should do it, as I might have used a black image instead of tinting the screen. Thanks for the bug reports.
anyone know which scene that last pic is from?
The one with the green hands grabbing the players ass? It's from the "hole room" scenes in the first dungeon. You have to talk to stacy and volunteer to work in it. It's random what person decides to come fuck the players ass and mouth while they are in there, but all the versions have art. You can repeat the scene if you don't get the one you want right away.
ahh thanks mate
is there any way to cheat???
I'm playing the browser version, why am i not seeing any artworks in sex scenes?
The game was text based for several years before I started adding art, and I'm still unable to commission art as quickly as I can write it, so even though there are over 30 CG sets for the game many of them still lack art at the moment.
hi, i do not see a web version of the game anywhere. I cant play the mac version cause mine is OS 14.2.1
okay, i found the web version. But I still can't play the web version.
i checked the reddit page you linked but its just outright confusing. How do i even enter the command on mac chrome?
Will you consider doing more chastity content mabye it being part of the training you do to be more feminine
If you're referring to the training with Beatrice, there already is some chastity content there. I also really like chastity stuff so there will probably be more of it. It just kind of has to be in it's own separate area like in the fifth dungeon as otherwise I need to have all of the scenes in the game account for if you are caged or not.
please add a way to get into the elven village without the gangbang
make it extremely tough to get in without a gangbang too (that would be a lot of fun)
will you ever release it on steam ?
Most of the content in the Elven village is between characters involved in the gangbang, and their scenes reference it a bunch. I looked into making the gangbang optional earlier but it would just be a lot of work to do unfortunately.
Sed lyf
with you could keep the pussy from the ruin dungeon
That would require all future scenes to have alternate versions depending on if you have a penis or a pussy, which is why I have the transformation only occur inside the dungeon.
how do you open the cheat menu i lost a lot of progress due to compter crashing and i dont want to replay the content i already did
The cheat menu is supposed to be a patron only thing, but sometimes I forget to disable it with public releases. You can progress through the main questline using the "Dungeon Skip" portal in the hub area, which lets you set whether you won or lost to certain bosses and Katie's dominance level as well.
wish their was a virginal potion and you could turn into a full girl
why does skill tree look so fucked up? (its too confusing for me)
I don't know. What about it is confusing for you? You generally just have to click on the skills, and then can either click "learn" or "more info" on them. The skills underneath of numbers, like the Hail skill being under a blue 4, mean that you need 4 points in Ice skills before you can learn them.
its not really intuitive a tree style skill tree would be better
Well the first time you open the skill tree it explains how it works. I could add lines to make it look more like a skill tree but that would imply you have to get certain skills in an element to unlock other skills, when all that matters is enough points in an element, so i don't think that really helps.
where do i find items for the toy slot?
There's only two items in it, both butt-plugs. I'd planned to add more items in the slot, but I kind of lost interest in it. One can be gained from the Elven Village by experiencing the gangbang scene, and the other is gained from the third date scene with a dominant Katie.
damn, wished there was a buyable plug or the like :/
Very true.
Is the walk through that comes with the game up to date?
I feel like it's.. missing things? (O.o)
I believe it should be up to date, keeping in mind that it generally only covers content that can be missed, due to having specific prerequisites. Beatrice's first few scenes aren't listed in the walkthrough, for example, because accessing them just requires you to talk to her and ask her for help in feeling like a girl. So if that's what seems to be missing, it's normal. If there's other content missing you can let me know what it is and I can see if it should be added, thanks.
There's a dog park?!The walkthrough doesn't really say much about it can you please say more about it?
At what point is that introduced?
In the 2nd Dungeons statue room what is that purple whisp thing you can talk to?
The dog park is kind of a mini-location in the fourth dungeon, and is accessed in the "CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY" part of it. The choose your destiny part is a series of connected rooms that branch off into two other rooms each time, so you just pick a path and encounter a series of events. Red rooms have teleporters to one of two locations, one of which being the dog park. The second red room will take you there. Inside there are two events, one with Mint and Chocolate, in which Chocolate asks if you want to fuck Mint, who is in a bitchsuit. The other is a fight with a wolf girl (who has a penis), which results in "mating time" if you lose. Losing to Katie in the choose your destiny section of the dungeon can also take you to the dog park, with her putting you into a bitchsuit before taking you for a walk. (There's two scenes for losing to her, so if you don't get the bitchsuit scene the first time you just need to lose again.)
As for the whisp thing, what she tells you in game is all the explanation you get for now.
Thank you for replying even during the holidays! (^.^)
The dog park being part of the dungeon would explain why it was inbetween one of the dungeon paragraphs, my bad, thank you for going into such detail about it though :D
All I know about that whisp thing is that if you take the boon from the statue the whisp thing gets annoyed at your choice. I don't think I really want to go down the "Depravity" skill tree path but if it has a new character that requires you to go down the depraved route. Hmm
I noticed when checking the walkthrough that it's not super clear that the dog park was part of that dungeon, so I'll add an extra note for it. Also, your decision in the second dungeon won't effect any future scenes or characters, but your decision with the next Goddess statue does have some impact on future scenes with those statues.
The alleys seem... very badly broken at the moment, or else something is messed up with my installation. The walls aren't solid until you navigate around the pair -- just the blackness -- and the scene you're supposed to get the first time you approach them didn't trigger for me until I tried going through a second time. (And trying a third time, after sleeping, the pair are still there and I got groped by one of the guys again... though maybe that's 'cause I didn't do anything with Ami?)
EDIT: Also something feels like it's up with Mia and Ami. Their names are anagrams, they run perverted and innocent versions of the exact same business, and their facial features and eye colors are similar enough they could pass for twins. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but if it turned out they were actually twins, or that Ami was Mia while under the effects of some kind of curse, I would be... extremely unsurprised.
EDIT 2: Geez, I hope if I called it, you're not the kind of writer who feels like they have to change plans or twists if someone guesses them in advance.
EDIT 3: ... What is the Sheer Skirt/Blue Detached Sleeve Blouse outfit a reference to? At first I thought Mima, but not only does it not quite line up with her outfit, that's a heck of a deep cut for a random outfit in the game.
EDIT 4: Well, second guess was a dud. The God of Wind reference made me think of Annet Myer and El Viento, but it's an even worse match for that one.
EDIT 5: ... Wait, even as a blind guess, why the heck did I consider Arle Nadja?
I think I've figured out the cause of the alleyway wall issue. There's actually two maps for the alleyway, one that is just for the intro, and the main alleyway area. The intro, for some reason, didn't have this sort of dirt/smudge effect overtop of it, so I recently corrected that. However, when I put that effect on a tile, it makes it so you can walk through it, so I needed to indicate that you cannot walk through all of the alleyways walls. That's why it works after you get around the pair, because then it puts you on the regular alleyway map. I've uploaded a fix for the collision issue. My best guess for not seeing the first event with the pair is that you avoided the trigger for the event by going on the walls, because as far as I can tell it is functioning at the moment. Patch 0.45.7 should fix this.
As for Mia and Ami, your guess is correct, they are sisters. I plan to have more content for them which would eventually lead to that, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. I won't be changing it just because you figured it out though lol, part of the point of having all the hints linking the two is so people can figure out that they are related somehow to begin with.
Lastly, the sheer skirt/blue detached sleeve blouse outfit is Aqua's outfit from Konosuba. I used to have a custom outfit tier on Patreon where a patron could request certain clothes to be added to the game, and it's one of those.
Thanks for the bug report, and I'm happy to know someone noticed all the similarities between Ami and Mia, so thanks for sharing your theory on that as well!
Android pls!
You should be able to play the game on Android through the JOIPlay app. It might work with the windows version, but otherwise I would try the web version. The game isn't designed with Android in mind, so there still may be some issues.
will you try to port the game to android tho? like the skill trees on JoiPlay look all fucked up without the pointer of keyboard and etc
The skill tree is entirely operated by the mouse, so on JOIPlay I'd expect it to work normally, since touch controls replace the mouse. What exactly is the issue with it? I haven't developed anything with Android in mind, so I expect it would be very difficult to have a dedicated Android version. (I expect many compatibility issues with plugins as well there.) I can always take a look at certain bugfixes and the like though.
Dont know if someones already said this but if you defeat an enemy as they defeat you (ex. shockshield) causes game to freeze.
I haven't heard that. I'll take a look at it, thanks.
i cant get to dungeon 5 because i cant talk to the second person in the guild hall because the man wont stop talking to her
Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification of your comment. Are you unable to talk to her directly over the counter at the guild? I thought I had fixed the bug with that quest, but if you can't talk to her and Brittany isn't missing then something has gone wrong. Let me know if that's the case and I'll add a debug option to try and fix things. Thanks for the report.
yea i had to make a new save and skipped to it and it works on the new save. my original save is still bugged tho
Patch 0.45.8 adds in a debug option called "Dungeon 5 Receptionist bug" that should fix the issue if used on your old save.
the animations and images of the scenes in windows ver They're not here, only a black screen with text.
Many of the scenes lack art at the moment, as the game was developed as a text game for several years before I started adding art, and because I still tend to write more scenes faster than I can commission more art. I hope to start adding art at a faster rate soon though.
por alguna razón no me cargan las esenas de sexo se pone la pantalla negra y listo solo veo el texto
Many of the scenes lack art at the moment, as the game was developed as a text game for several years before I started adding art, and because I still tend to write more scenes faster than I can commission more art. I hope to start adding art at a faster rate soon though.